How Emotions Can Interfere With Your Move

22 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been living in one place for a long time, it can be difficult to uproot yourself and move to a new location. In fact, here are some ways your emotional attachment to the place and your belongings can interfere with your move:

You May Find Yourself Micromanaging the Movers

If your friends describe you as a control freak, then you may have a hard time relinquishing control of the moving processes to your chosen moving company. This is because you may find yourself directing every single move of the movers telling them where to pack the boxes, how to carry the items outside, how to load them and such like things. Unfortunately, unless you have managed several moves in the past, you may only succeed in complicating the movers' work. Sure, it's nice to be around to ensure that your items are safe and you can lend a helping hand when needed, but you shouldn't get in the movers' way.

You May Find It Difficult To De-Clutter the House

Moving companies consider different things when setting prices, and one of these considerations is the weight (actual or volumetric) of the items. This means the more items you have the more you will pay to move them. At the same time, most households are chockfull of items they no longer use or need. This is why it is advisable to de-clutter your house by identifying items that you don't need if you are packing for a move. However, if you are emotionally attached to your household items, you may find it difficult to discard even the items you know very well you no longer need. Malfunctioning bicycles, toys that our kids have outgrown, books you no longer need and clothes you no longer wear can all find their way into your moving boxes and increase the cost of your move.

You May Find Yourself Procrastinating On Moving Duties

Lastly, you probably know that moving is a tedious and complicated project that you should plan weeks or even months in advance. In fact, there are some moving-related chores that you should start doing long before the moving date. For example, you need to start gathering packing supplies, consult movers in your area, start packing, and confirm that the moving truck will be able to pack in your front yard or street. However, if you have to move but you don't want to move, you may find yourself postponing more and more of these tasks. Unfortunately, these are all things you will have to do, which means you may be forced to rush through them at the last minute, and this increases the risk of shoddy work.

The best way to deal with your emotions and ensure they don't derail your move is to recognize that they exist. That way you can take active steps in ensuring your emotions don't interfere with the move. For more information, contact companies like Fairfax  Transfer and Storage Inc.
